About us...

Since 1994, Visioncall has been a leading eye care provider to the UK care home sector, delivering home sight tests to those unable to visit a high street optician.

Regardless of a person's age or needs, we believe that they have the right to the best eye care service to help them see the world around them.

The people we help cannot visit a high street optician unattended; they also may be living with additional healthcare needs.

We strive always to do the right thing for our patients and deliver the most caring service for them.

Our specialist holistic approach to eye care means our patients will benefit from being more engaged with the world around them.

We dedicate ourselves to providing a person-centred home visiting eye care service for our patients.

Our team is committed to taking the time to learn more about each person and make an appropriate recommendation based on their needs.

Working with Visioncall is your opportunity to be the difference and make a meaningful impact on someone's life.

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Whether you're interested in joining our team, or want to learn more about us, get in touch with our team today to discuss the latest opportunities at Visioncall. 

Email our team with a copy of your CV - careers@visioncall.co.uk

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